Recently working with Service Console Application, came across a requirement where we need to auto update the Case Owner to current logged in user for all the selected case records from the list view. Along with that, we also need to implement it in a such way, so on auto assigning of the records, selected records should be opened in new tabs in a Service Console Application.
Recently working with Service Console Application, came across a requirement where we need to auto update the Case Owner to current logged in user for all the selected case records from the list view. Along with that, we also need to implement it in a such way, so on auto assigning of the records, selected records should be opened in new tabs in a Service Console Application.
Using OOTB features of Salesforce, we can manually update the case owner of only one record at a time. However, in our case, we need to update multiple records with auto assigning of case owner with current logged in user.
To achieve this,
- We need to create a Custom List Button with a content source as a Visualforce page and added it to the Search Layout.
- Basically, this visualforce page calls an action method from the APEX class and retrieves all the selected records and update case owner of each record based on the current logged in user.
- We also need to implement JavaScript using Console API to open each updated record in new tab in Service Console Application.
- The console API versions 42.0 and above of the Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit are supported in the Lightning Console JavaScript API.
ChangeCaseOwnerController Apex Class:
public class ChangeCaseOwnerController {
ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon;
public List<case> listofcases {get; set;}
public List<case> returnlist {get; set;}
public Map<string,string> returnMap {get; set;}
public ChangeCaseOwnerController(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
setCon = controller;
listofcases = (List<case>)controller.getSelected(); //will fetch the selected records from record list
// method will update the owner of records assigned in listofcases
public PageReference changeOwner(){
PageReference pref;
list<case> caselist = new list<case>();
for(case c : listofcases){
c.ownerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
if(caselist.size() > 0){
try {
update caselist;
returnMap = new Map<string,string>();
returnlist = [select id,CaseNumber from Case where id IN : lstcase ];
for(Case casechild: returnlist){
catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('The following Error exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
return null;
ChangeCaseOwner Visualforce Page:
<apex:page standardController="Case" recordSetVar="cases" extensions="ChangeCaseOwnerController" showHeader="false" action="{!changeOwner}">
<!--include scripts from Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit: -->
<script src="../../soap/ajax/48.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/support/console/48.0/integration.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mapofCases = '{!returnMap}'; // assign the map with Case Id and Case Number to variable
mapofCases= mapofCases.replace('{','');
mapofCases= mapofCases.replace('}','');
var splitArray = mapofCases.split(",");
openTab(); //calling the function after getting separate case ids
function openTab(){
for (var i=0; i < splitArray.length; i++) {
function openPrimaryTab(arrayid) {
var caseid= arrayid.split("=")[0].trim();
var casenumber= arrayid.split("=")[1].trim();
sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(undefined,'/'+caseid, true, casenumber);
Once APEX class and Visualforce page are created, we need to create a Custom List Button. To create a button,
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Case > Buttons, Links, and Actions > New Button
- Set Name/Label > Select List Button > Content Source Visualforce Page > Content Select Visualforce Page [ChangeCaseOwner].
Once all above steps are setup and configured properly, we can see the desired results as shown in below video.
If you have any questions you can reach out to our Salesforce Consulting team
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