While working on one of the user stories of Pharma sector for a client based on Chicago, USA; there was a requirement to display Contact records under their parent account record. Also, pagination was needed with a picklist to choose number of records to be displayed on a page.
Lightning:treeGrid is useful component for displaying structured data such as hierarchy or forecasting data while dealing with the same object. But there is no functionality available to display records of 2 different objects (In our case, Account and Contact) in the same table while using Lightning:treeGrid.
To overcome this limitation, I've implemented custom Javascript in the lightning component containing the mechanism to have customized list of Accounts and Contacts with pagination.
Note: This component requires API version 42.0 and later.
treeGridController is a controller class of the lightning components treeGrid utilized to fetch Account object data which has having child Contact
public class treeGridController { @AuraEnabled public static List <Account> getAccountList() { return [Select Id, Name, (SELECT Name, Phone, Email FROM Contacts) From Account Where Id IN (Select AccountId From Contact) ORDER BY Name ASC]; } }
Below are Component & JavaScript files for the reference which i've used to meet the requirement..
<aura:component controller="treeGridController" implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" > <aura:attribute name="resultData" type="Object" access="private"/> <aura:attribute name="gridColumns" type="List" /> <aura:attribute name="gridData" type="Object" /> <aura:attribute name="gridExpandedRows" type="Object" /> <aura:attribute name="PageNumber" type="Integer" /> <aura:attribute name="TotalPages" type="Integer"/> <aura:attribute name="currentPage" type="Integer" default="0" /> <aura:attribute name="limit" type="Integer" default="5" /> <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/> <div class="slds-page-header" role="banner"> <ui:inputSelect aura:id="pageSize" label="Display Records Per Page: " change="{!c.onSelectChange}"> <ui:inputSelectOption label="5" text="5" value="true"/> <ui:inputSelectOption label="10" text="10"/> <ui:inputSelectOption label="50" text="50"/> </ui:inputSelect> </div> <lightning:treeGrid aura:id="accTree" columns="{!v.gridColumns}" data="{!v.gridData}" expandedRows="{!v.gridExpandedRows}" keyField="Id" hideCheckboxColumn = "true" /> <div class="slds-clearfix"> <div class="slds-page-header" role="banner"> <div class="slds-float_right"> <lightning:button disabled="{!v.PageNumber == 1}" variant="brand" aura:id="prevPage" label="Prev" onclick="{!c.handlePrev}" /> <lightning:button disabled="{!v.PageNumber == v.TotalPages}" aura:id="nextPage" variant="brand" label="Next" onclick="{!c.handleNext}"/> </div> <p class="slds-page-header__title">Page {!v.PageNumber} of {!v.TotalPages}</p> </div> </div> </aura:component>
({ doInit : function(component, event, helper) { var columns = [ { type: 'url', fieldName: 'AccountURL', label: 'Account Name', typeAttributes: { label: { fieldName: 'accountName' } } }, { type: 'text', fieldName: 'Name', label: 'Contact Name' }, { type: 'phone', fieldName: 'Phone', label: 'Phone Number' }, { type: 'email', fieldName: 'Email', label: 'Email' } ]; component.set('v.gridColumns', columns); var action = component.get("c.getAccountList"); action.setCallback(this, function(response){ var state = response.getState(); if (state === "SUCCESS" ) { var resultData = response.getReturnValue(); component.set('v.resultData', resultData); helper.bindTableData(component, event); } }); $A.enqueueAction(action); }, handleNext : function(component, event, helper){ component.set('v.currentPage',component.get('v.currentPage')+1); helper.buildTable(component, event); }, handlePrev : function(component, event, helper){ component.set('v.currentPage',component.get('v.currentPage')-1); helper.buildTable(component, event); }, onSelectChange : function(component, event, helper){ component.set('v.currentPage',0); var pageSize = component.find('pageSize').get('v.value'); component.set('v.limit',pageSize); helper.buildTable(component, event); } })
({ bindTableData : function(component, event) { var resultData = component.get('v.resultData'); for (var i=0; i<resultData.length; i++ ) { resultData[i].accountName = resultData[i]['Name']; delete resultData[i]['Name']; resultData[i]._children = resultData[i]['Contacts']; delete resultData[i].Contacts; resultData[i].AccountURL = '/'+resultData[i].Id; } component.set('v.resultData',resultData); this.buildTable(component, event); }, buildTable : function(component, event){ var resultData = component.get('v.resultData'); var limit = component.get('v.limit'); var currentPage = component.get('v.currentPage'); var totalPage = Math.ceil(resultData.length / limit); var startIndex = currentPage * limit; var row = []; var expandedRows = []; for (var i = startIndex; i < parseInt(startIndex)+parseInt(limit); i++) { if(resultData[i]){ expandedRows.push(resultData[i].Id); row.push(resultData[i]); } } component.set('v.gridData', row); component.set('v.PageNumber',currentPage+1); component.set('v.TotalPages',totalPage); component.set('v.gridExpandedRows', expandedRows); } })
If you have any questions you can reach out our Salesforce Consulting team
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