Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Generate Report to display Last Password Reset Date

Requirement & Challenge:

There was a requirement to include a report in User Management Module to show/track last updated/reset date of password by users.

Unfortunately, there was no direct approach available to produce a report that would reveal the last updated or reset date of the password.  


Salesforce does not provide any out of the box feature to match the requirement and have the desired results. After relentless efforts, we came up with a solution where we would need to create a Custom Report Type on USER object allowing us direct access to the last password change/reset date field. 

The steps are given below.
  • Navigate to Setup and search for Report Type.
  • Click on the Create new Report type button, and select Users as the primary object.
  • Store it in the Administrative Reports category, and check the Deployed checkbox at the bottom.
  • Click Next and Save.
  • Then, scroll down to Field Available for Reports and click Edit Layout.
  • Select Last Password Change or reset and save the layout.
  • Now, after the layout is saved, create a report and select the report type that you have just created, and click on create.
  • Now we would be able to find the field name Last Password Change or reset.
  • Save the report.

Thus, by creating a new report type using the Administrative Reports category, we overcame the challenge to display the field Last Password Change or Reset in the report.

If you have any questions you can reach out our Salesforce Consulting team here.

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